Long Story Short


Happy New Year!

I�m not going to do a 2005 in review entry because frankly, if you�re kind enough to read this drivel in the first place you don�t deserve to be subjected to reruns. Plus! I can�t remember what happened in 2005! Except for a few small things. Which I will talk about now. Heh! I lied to you in my very first entry of 2006. Go me!

I turned 25. Which, in retrospect, was totally irrelevant.

My best friend (hee! I said it!) told me she got knocked up. Which is a totally awesome thing! Go Best Friend! Way to grow a baby! [I know this one isn�t about me but I am MAKING it about me, okay? Cause I will have my first friend with a baby who wants one, and I think (I hope!) I will be Auntie Carly for the first time. To a human being.]

I agonized over my relationship with my ex. Which, yeah, who doesn�t?

I fell deeper and more comfortably in love with my Professor K. We talked of diamond rings and forevers. Something to look forward to in 2006 and after.

I spent my very first Christmas holiday with someone else�s family and it was a wonderful weekend and a great decision. Which I�m sure I�ll talk about more in future entries. Or not, I can never tell.

I drank a lot! A lot a lot!

Anyway, that�s all that I can think of now.

Otherwise, I�m excited because one of our gifts from the Parents o� Professor K was a trip to Aruba. Fully paid! We�ll be staying with them so opportunities for sex may be scarce but find them we will. We managed to have sex in his parents� condo over the Christmas weekend when six other people were underfoot so I have faith. Oh, and by the way, don�t tell them we had sex. I think we promised we wouldn�t or something. I don�t know, I forget.

I�m having a friend from high school come stay with me in a few weekends and for some reason I�m nervous. I don�t know how to have fun! I don�t know where to go! I have to clean the guest room! I have to move the litter box and then try not to tell her that she�s sleeping where the litter box usually goes. Plus she�s never met Professor K!

So what I�m saying is I think she�s going to judge my life and find it sucky. Which is totally unfair cause she�s cool but there it is. I also think I may have fucked up by basically telling and not really asking Professor K if she could come to stay. Which, I know, was bad.

I can�t find my passport. I think it was stolen by my landlord.

Now that I�ve typed that sentence I realize how truly insane that theory is. I will have to pay $97 to get a new one.

I�m on my third cup of coffee!

I saw Brokeback Mountain and it was awesome. And we had a real live gay cowboy in our audience! I mean, whether or not he was gay is debatable but he had a cowboy hat on! And this is Massachusetts so that�s not normal.

I got ditched by my own family the week after Christmas and had my feelings hurt. Then I got over it. But I�m realizing that my place in the family changes and evolves every year and I should embrace that and not be whiny and petulant. My fear that my sister-in-law has replaced me is both silly and de facto.

I also had the stunning realization that I was not feeling inadequate around my family (brother mostly) so much as I was feeling left out � because the foursome that is my brother, my sister-in-law, and my parents is a solid one and I am not a necessary part of it. And that makes me feel bad. But! At least I know what I�m really feeling.

I don�t think that paragraph worked out quite how I had hoped. It�s not supposed to be sad, it�s supposed to be a positive thing. It�s amazing how much perspective I�ve gotten on my family just by seeing them through the eyes of Professor K.

I�m not making any resolutions for 2006. The only one I would really make would be to lose weight but since I�ve been on course with that since October I figure it would redundant. I am hoping for several things to happen in 2006: financial improvement, engagement, and hopefully a new apartment after September.

I will most likely be filling out one of those survey thingies to establish how I�m different today than I was a year ago. How am I different?


I weigh less than I did a year ago. Go me!

I don�t have to work with awful pig like coworker any more!

Hm. I think that�s it.

Oh well.

Happy New Year!

Update: I just checked my guestbook and found a bunch of previously undiscovered messages. Many kind notes about Sam's loss, wishing Bailey a happy birthday, etc. Thank you so much! What a nice surprise.

11:52 a.m. - 2006-01-03


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