Long Story Short


The Weekend Recap

Saturday was an awesome day. I left home with my parents around 3:30 and went downtown to have lunch and pints with them and my uncle and aunt. The game had already been called but since everyone was already en route by the time we found out it seemed silly not to just get together.

I had so much fun with my family! We sat in the corner of our family's fav pub and made lots and lots of noise. The Kentucky Derby was on and we sort of watched it but mostly just talked. My uncle and aunt left after a few hours and then my folks and I hopped another bar and talked and laughed some more. Mom was enticed to drink a few tiny glasses (aka shots) of Patron, which she loved. Quote of the evening: "Well, why don't you just cum on her face?" Who says that to their father? Me, apparently.

I got home after 9 and I was in a great mood. He had missed me and was sober to my slightly beer buzzed. We drank whiskey, put in a movie, and then had really awesome sex. It started in the kitchen and just moved its way across the apartment. When we were done we went back to watch the movie again but still never saw it through to the end - we were fucking again before too long. Nice. The next morning I had to recover my pants from the kitchen floor and that is always a wonderful way to start off a Sunday.

The game had been rescheduled for Sunday at 12:15 and we were downtown by 11. This was after Professor K presented me with Mother's Day roses. How sweet! In honor of our doggie and our kitty, I suppose. Whatever the reason, I love getting flowers from him.

My parents picked us up and we met up with my uncle and aunt again and we were all great and talkative and fun. We couldn't get a pre-game drink - apparently no alcohol is served in Boston before 12 PM on Sundays - so we just split up outside Fenway and went to our respective seats.

Professor K and I climbed to our post atop the Green Monster and - HOLY FUCK - it was amazing! It was high as hell, a beautiful view, and there was a snack bar that sold everything (including beer) about ten feet from where we stood. Unfuckingbelieveable. We had so much fun. I cannot stress this enough: SO MUCH FUN!!! It was windy as hell and the wind was coming at us from both directions but we were brave and strong and drank a few Miller Lights ($5.75 each) and ate a lot.

We danced to every song and when Sweet Caroline came on, holy shit and watch the fuck out because we busted a move. Standing room only equals Dance Party USA. All the room we had! No sardines for us. The game was awesome and they won. We may have frightened the group of Seattle fans next to us what with our whooping and hollering and intimidating dance moves. It was worth it. Welcome to Boston.

I checked my cell messages about halfway through the game and had received one from my father: "we can see you" I started waving frantically and across from us, behind the dugout, received frantic waves in return. What a great feeling! Like we owned the ballpark and it was just a gathering of friends. Apparently we were stationed just below the first "O" of the Volvo sign.

The game was perfect, end to end. When it was over we casually walked down to the lowest row of seats and leaned over and made sweet love to the Green Monster with our hands. PAT PAT PAT and RUB and KISS.

Met up with the parents afterward at same family pub from the day before and had a blast with one cocktail and some "be jealous of us" stories of The Best Seats Ever. That turned into dinner back in our neck of the woods so we weren't home till around 6. I napped after that and only woke up at 9 for Family Guy. Luckily we taped it because I remember nothing.

Yesterday I took a mental health day because CHRIST, what the fuck is up with the weather?? I slept all day and then cooked yummy dinner. We had some more sex, prompted by me sitting on his lap, and then we went out for ice cream. The Red Sox won well and when Professor K came to bed he was so adorable and so snorey that I just kept looking at him and thinking how lucky I am. I stayed up late due to my all day of rest and god, late night TV is horrible. Blind Date and all that. Why do people go on those shows?

Heh. Two weeks from today. I can't wait to receive my macaroni card from my brother.

11:22 a.m. - 2005-05-10


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