Long Story Short


Immature Love

Doooood. I think it's nice out but who would know under these fluorescents?

Bruised cervix. Thanks girl. It feels much better today and I can sit down again. I don't think the product had anything to do with it after all. And if that's the case then I highly recommend it.

Incidentally I am retarded. Despite obvious warning signs from my body (you know, the pain) we had totally hot sex last night. I was headed to the bathroom to pee out some of my St. Patty's day box wine when I was attacked from behind. Up against my basement door I was given lovely oral, returned the favor for a bit, and then we retired to the bedroom.

All of our blinds were open and the lights were on and we're on the first floor so hope you all enjoyed it! I certainly did. He was very careful about not bruising me again and somehow that really added to the pleasure. Sex is awesome. In case you didn't already know. Afterwards I peed. Finally.

Before the box wine or the sex we were sitting in the office downloading songs and trying to decide what to do. I noticed an old journal randomly stuffed in the bookcase and pulled it out. Inside I found memory lane gold - a letter my ex had written to me officially declaring that she was interested in becoming more than friends with benefits. That she like liked me. That she wanted to be doing me all regular-like and buying me valentine's day gifts and such.

I had totally forgotten such a letter existed and read it and was like "oh...christ".

I let Professor K read it too since he was sitting right there staring at me. He laughed a little and was pretty whatever about it but thought, as I did, that it was a cool thing to have held onto. I had forgotten almost entirely what it was like to be with her in the sense that she was the one always doing the pursuing and I was the one always running away. More evidence of this would be the infamous poem that was ultimately the death knell of our long, winding, agonizing relationship.

I can say with utter honesty that it kicks so much more ass to be in a relationship with someone who I genuinely adore. And desire and love and trust. It's not fabulous and ego-boosting to be chased and hounded for commitment by someone you're lukewarm about. True love rocks.

But seriously? It's totally weird that she was my best friend for so long and we haven't even talked in nine months. Should I call her on her birthday? Straight out I'd be scared to death to even go there.

I gave Professor K a hickey on his forehead last night. Totally goofing around and being silly, we were sipping our classy box wine and sucking on each other. Not sexually it was just kind of a hickey-making contest. And I gave him two really nice ones on his arm and on his pec and he gave me a good one just above my collarbone. How I convinced him to let me suck on his forehead I may never know. But shit, it came in. He saw it for the first time this A.M. and just laughed. The funniest part now is that we're seeing my grandparents on Sunday to celebrate my Nana's 86th birthday. She's really old. Happy Birthday Nana!

12:14 p.m. - 2005-03-18


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