Long Story Short


Cinco de Mayo

Apparently I am now feeding at least one, if not many, of the animals living in my neighborhood. I was going to say "domestic" in front of animals but since I know we have a number of scary, glowy-eyed racoons I didn't want to assume anything.

I am a lazy girl (have I mentioned this?) and when I fill up a bag of garbage I often have a two step process for throwing it out.

Step one is me being all diligent and tying it up, putting a new bag in the trash can, and then heaving the filled bag out onto my deck.

Step two usually takes place a minimum of one week later, max of several months later, when I actually carry the now-repulsive, weather beaten, reeking bag down from my deck to the actual garbage cans.

I currently have about four bags of accumulated garbage on my deck and they have developed very distinctive small-animal teeth marks, and big rip holes. That will be fun to carry down, when the mood finally strikes me...

I noticed the holes yesterday, but that doesn't mean that's when they were put there. I don't often look at the bags of garbage - they're just not there as far as I'm concerned.

This morning I was just about to leave for work and I glanced out onto the deck and there was a cutiepie black and white kitty out there, standing suspiciously close to the bags of garbage. And I think Bailey and I noticed the kitty at the same time, cause she started doing her "THERE'S A KITTY!" bark and dance.

She seemed conflicted about how to feel - on the one hand she was upset because there was a KITTY on HER deck. On the other hand, she wanted to play with the kitty. I could tell she was conflicted by her stance - her back legs were spread wide apart and kept jumping around, while her front legs were close together and planted. Her tail was up high but waggling like crazy, her ears were in normal puppy position and not back, and she was barking but not growling. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, but not all the way down her back. And she kept looking at me like "Huh? Woof? Kitty?"

It was too cute, and the cat was just staring at us through the slider - cats are way too smart, she obviously knew Bailey couldn't get at her and had that super-casual look that cats have. Nothing like dogs with their wide-eyed heart-on-paw emotion. But I had to leave for work and needed the cat to leave so I could do so, so I opened the slider about two inches - far enough for Bailey to stick her snout through and WOOF at the kitty, but not far enough for her to get out and chase her. The kitty looked alarmed and ran off. I giggled, Bailey backed away from the door once the kitty left and then looked at me all confused, like "You're leaving?? After THAT??"

I went down to get in my car and the cat was down on the driveway rolling around on her back in the dirt. I gave her a rub and said hi, she was very sweet and I had never seen her before. But then I had to physically move her because I couldn't back my car out. She hid under one of my neighbor's cars once I moved her.

I hope she's not taunting Bailey through the slider while I'm at work. I can only imagine coming home to Bailey having had a heart attack from trying to get the kitty through the glass door. And my neighbors will probably not appreciate 8 hours of LOUD barking. We'll see what happens...

In other news, I am still not on the "in" list at work. So far since I've worked here two employees in HR have left and there have been two parties after work to celebrate. The parties are informal and therefore only the "cool" HR people are invited, not just anyone. I regularly socialize with the "cool" people - the men, not the women - but have not yet been included on the original "invited to after work parties" list of email addresses. Because the WOMEN plan them, and the men just get invited. The men always end up forwarding me the emails, but on the SAME DAY as the event so I can never go.

The first time this happened I was okay with it, I figured next time I'd be on the list for sure. But today my buddy Greg forwarded me an email from Monday for a party tonight for the most recent girl leaving. Ugh. He's a sweetie for making sure I get informed, but again I already have plans.

I guess I don't care too much, it's just the principle of it. I looked at who the original sender was and it's this hobag that I never talk to - but she knows I talk to at least 50% of the other people invited. Why do the women who work here not like me very much? Stupid biatches.

This morning two of the Frumpy McFrump Frumps that work here were having this whole conversation right next to me about the girl who had my position before me - she's been gone since November (ha, that's a song title) but for some reason they had this conversation today. It went something like this:

Old Bag #1: "Oh Liz was such a nice girl"

Old Bag #2: "She sure was! There was nobody nicer than Liz!"

OB1: "And boy, she was always smiling!"

OB2: "Yup, never saw her without a big smile on her face!"

This went on and on, to the point where I was thinking they had to be doing this ON PURPOSE, it was just too ridiculous. I was the only other person in earshot and they were both facing me, standing two feet away. So I glanced up to see if they were looking at me with that pre-laughter gleam in their eyes - nope. Just frumpy old bags having a chat.

I'm not insecure about my level of niceness or smileliness - I grin my ass off when I see the people I like. It's just that it seemed weird for them to wax poetic about a girl that was here less than 6 months, and who has been gone for 6 months. But other than updating me on the Bachelor, American Idol, and the latest dreadful tragedy in the news, they haven't been riveting conversationalists so far.

11:19 a.m. - 2004-05-05


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