Long Story Short


My Valentine's Day Entry, A Day Late

Happy Valentine's Day!

I know it's already over but I'm still feeling the afterglow. Mainly because I have a beautiful bouquet of red roses on my desk at work. I've never gotten flowers at work before and that makes it extra special.

Professor K dun good.

Why is it so gratifying to have all the office ladies compliment my flowers and praise my lovely Professor?

I got him a cutesy wootsey card with a sweet little message and I wrote silly, naughty things all over it. Then I got him three chocolate covered strawberries. He loved them and they smelled delicious so yay.

Bailey got a little doggie yogurt cup from the doggie bakery and Hunter got straight cat nip, which he lurved. Dopey kitty is fun.

Um, so, yeah. That was my V day.

I haven't been updating much because everything is kind of smooth sailing. Relationship? Good. Work? Fine. Pets? Adorable.

I did finally finish the Editing O' The Online Diary project. It took forever but I'm pleased with the outcome. I deleted a ton of stuff from my archives - not always entire entries but the more personal details, the TMI entries, and other items.

One of my big focuses for the edit was to take out the negative, gripey crap that was directed at my Professor. I have a tendency to write when I'm feeling frustrated or upset and I had a lot of negative entries that made me sad to read. I questioned the value of keeping a blog of negative incidents and realized that the writing part was good but the holding onto it part was bad.

A friend suggested that I write them when necessary but then delete them, and in the case of paper entries write them and burn them. I like that idea - I don't ever want to reread those nitpicky, often PMS-inspired entries, but write them I must. The idea of releasing the frustrating, then releasing the evidence of it, is a good one I think.

Another focus for the edit was my What If The Family O' Professor K Ever Finds This Diary paranoia. I decided that I really want it to be people-who-know-me friendly. Meaning that if someone I know IRL found it they would not read anything about themself that I had not already said to their face. I could have just locked it up entirely but I realized that I enjoy keeping it public and I would rather self edit as needed than give out passwords. I have my private entries for the really evil stuff.


I hope I don't sound all Goody Two Shoes. I still prefer the down and dirty blogs and I still have to fight the urge to write that stuff. But I know that this is probably the best, and safest, way to handle my diary.

Yeah. So. Three day weekend this weekend!

4:33 p.m. - 2006-02-15


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