Long Story Short


Cocktail Flu

Heh. My hair looks fucking GREAT today. And my eyebrows too. I had them waxed by a dainty girl and I lurv them.

So yeah, bad idea to go saloning, but guess what? My boss took one look at my highlights and cutie pie haircut and said, "Your hair looks nice. When did you get that done?"
"Yesterday" I replied.
"THANK GOD! I was afraid you had it done weeks ago and I hadn't said anything. It looks nice. Oh, are you feeling better?" Then we both laughed.

Another coworker asked me if I was feeling better with a silly grin on her face. Then she pointed to the calendar that I have hanging on the back wall of my cubicle. On September 27th I have written "18 Month Anniversary" with a little red heart around the date. Aww. But then she said, "So did you party too hard?"

Oh well. I'm no sleuth when it comes to the cocktail flu. And man did I have a RAGING case of it yesterday. I woke up to Professor K jumping on the bed with a funny grin on his face. I rolled over and looked at the clock - 9:00 am. I'm supposed to be at work at 8:30. I freaked and his grin wavered and he said, "You weren't planning to stay home today?"

Apparently I had slept through my alarm every time it went off and rather than wake me up he just assumed I was planning to stay home. I laughed and told him that he was holding me hostage. Next time he plans to wake me up and double check before calling in sick.

So we spent the day together but most of it revolved around me sleeping off a hellacious hangover in between salon appointments.

I had previously scheduled the salon appointments, by the way. Eyebrows were supposed to happen during my lunch hour and hair was at 6pm. I needed these things done for the wedding next week and cancelling would have just been depressing since I'd have to reschedule for next week. No thank you. Also we have plans to have dinner with the Mother O' Professor K tonight and I'd like to look nice.

Work today is blah. I came in to a ton of messages and papers and junk all over my desk, but a large cup of coffee and a few hours later and everything seems under control. Counting the remaining three hours and eight minutes of my work day today, I have six days, three hours, and eight minutes until my week vacation starts. A WEEK! OFF! AWAY! FROM HERE! Tickled pink does not even begin to describe it.

Ooh and I got Quoted! I'm honored! Really, how cool. Thanks for reading.

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1:33 p.m. - 2005-09-29


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